El Pombero (Godot Wild Jam #70 entry)

El Pombero

Hi there! I made another little game for a game jam. This time, it's the Godot Wild Jam #70, with the theme "Folklore". Here's a little summary of what I did, in case anyone is interested.

The theme

I struggled quite a bit with coming up with ideas for this theme. Folklore is something so wide and can be taken through many paths. Finally I decided to go with myths and tales I used to hear in my childhood. Once that was decided, I started brainstorming. The first ideas I had were making something about the Lobizón (some kind of werewolf) or duendes (tiny people), but I couldn't think of interesting concepts. Days passed and I finally remembered the Pombero.


Once the general idea was formed, I started the project (with around 48 hours left until submission ended). Almost immediately I decided to make it a top-down game, dealing with el Pombero somehow. I started making a top-down character controller and a tilemap to start trying mechanics. I had to learn how to make an interaction system, since I've never done something like that before. After watching some tutorials, I decided to ignore them and make my own system, much more simpler (and crappy), but it accomplished what I needed, so that was enough.

The next thing that took lots of time was the UI. I know it's not big deal what I had to work with, but creating UI in Godot is something I still have to get comfortable with, as it clearly shows. Haha. Finally, the last big thing I worked on was the pathfinding for the Pombero entity, another thing I've never touched before, but pretty easy to implement.

I spent the last hours adding the moody environment, sound effects and the lose and win screens. Oh, and making the itch page, of course.


Another game completed successfully on time for the jam. This time was special, since I managed to make the game completely from scratch in almost 48 hours, which is something I believed it was impossible to me. Of course, the use of premade assets was a huge help, and that is not something bad, specially when working with the short deadline I was working with. I learned that pathfinding is actually easier than I expected and that I still have to learn a lot about UI. Haha

If you play the game, then you have my thanks for giving it a chance. Any feedback is always welcome and  most appreciated. Guys, keep creating!


gwj70.zip Play in browser
97 days ago

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